History is a taonga.


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Ō Tātou Wānanga | Thinking Space

Churches and Climate Change in Tonga: A Real Measure of the Effectiveness of Pacific Conference of Churches’ Climate Works

Rev. Dr. Laiseni Liava’a concludes his bilingual series, assessing practical initiatives taken by Tongan churches to combat climate change.

The Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) and Practical Initiatives Addressing the Climate Crisis

Rev. Dr. Laiseni Liava'a critically analyses the Pacific Conference of Churches' initiatives to combat climate change in the third post of his series.

Lynn White Jr. and the Origin of Care for God’s Creation in the World Council of Churches

Rev. Dr. Laiseni Liava’a continues his bilingual series, reflecting on the role of Lynn White as prophet for the World Council of Churches.

A History of Care for God’s Creation within the Church: It’s Time to Walk the Talk!

Rev. Dr. Laiseni Liava’a introduces his series, published here in English and Tongan, about care for creation and the climate crisis.

Pacific History in New Zealand History

Genevieve de Pont explores some recent histories that treat New Zealand as an imperial power in its own right.

Accessibility and precarity amid government austerity

Reflections on the end of Archives New Zealand's digitisation project.
